Thank you for visiting my newsletter subscription page. I created this newsletter myself, so it may not appear perfectly done. It's not too bad for an old guy. My main reason for making this newsletter is to share my stories and what I am doing in my life with those who follow me on
I've named this newsletter Steve Sovie's World because it reflects my writing and blogging journey, where I delve into topics like politics, social issues, and everyday life that we all encounter.
In each weekly issue, I will share the stories I have published on my Medium account for my Medium followers who may have previously missed them. I may add photos of my beloved pets, my garden, and anything else
my followers may be interested in. Of course, anyone who is not a member of Medium can subscribe to this newsletter if they so choose.
I don't intend to sell any courses, products, or services here; it is free to subscribe. If this platform allows, I may add affiliate ads in the future. For now, I am using a donation button to enable anyone to help support the costs of my writing.
Thank you for taking the time to subscribe to my newsletter. I hope you enjoy it.